Church Admin : Yearbook Sunday
In common with many churches, we are changing the way we do our 'Annual Meeting' this year. During our 1025 service on the 12th May at the Church Centre we will show a film celebrating the life of the church over the last year. Then, when the children have gone to their groups, the service will continue as usual, with the sermon replaced by some brief input on 'Loving, Learning, Living' and a short update on the finances. We will also pray for our new church wardens and PCM members. After the service you are welcome to stay for lunch, where the rector, curate, wardens and treasurer will be available at the front of the room for anyone who wants to ask any detailed questions or raise matters concerning the life of the church. We are also inviting all those who lead groups or ministries to have a table where they can be available to talk more with people about those areas of church life. For example, Jenny and Jon will be available to talk about Children's & Families' work and Youth Work.
We want to make this annual event more accessible, more interesting, and more interactive!
We will be electing 4 church wardens for the year ahead, and 3 people to serve on the PCM for 2024-2027. The nomination form (used for both purposes) is below.
The electoral roll is available for inspection in the church, which is open for our Sunday morning service at 9.15am and for Wednesday Worship at 10.30am. It is also avsailable for inspection in the Church Centre, which is open weekdays in the morning, and on Sundays for our 1025 Centre Church service. If your details are not correct, or if you are not on the electoral roll please fill in the form below and let the church office have it. If you need a hard copy delivered to you please contact the church office. It is important that you are on this list if you consider yourself a member of APC.
Yes, and we'll be continuing with the series in Hebrews. You are welcome to come to that and the Yearbook Service at the Church Centre at 10:25 if you like!
More will be added in the week prior to the meeting