The Hothouse is a small community church on the Redhouse Estate in Aldridge. It's a safe place for people of all ages to come and have fun, build friendships and explore faith. The Hothouse team also offer lots of practical support for those in need locally connecting them with resources such as food bank, uniform bank and small financial grants.
Aldridge Parish Church is financially committed to the work of the Hothouse and the Hothouse team- Team Leader Amie Iddon, Children Youth and Families Worker Ella Morley together with amazing volunteers Wendy, Sue, Rachel and the Trustees chaired by David Lee. They are always glad for new volunteers, prayerful supporters and donors as people feel led by the Lord. Please do get in touch if you sense this might be you.
For more information about groups and events at the Hothouse, please head to their Facebook page or get in touch using the details below: